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Research and Development

ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. – POLYMER INSTITUTE BRNO, odštěpný závod -

ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. – POLYMER INSTITUTE BRNO, odštěpný závod is an organizational part of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. and has a statute of a research, development and manufacturing unit. Although the predominant volume of research contracts comes from the majority owner, the Institute is open to accepting projects from other domestic and foreign customers. Other sources of income represent production (colour concentrates, additive masterbatches, flame retardant compounds, filled materials and special composite materials), sales of polyolefins and revenue generated from the business information and consulting services.

ORLEN UniCRE a.s. ​-

ORLEN UniCRE a.s. is an independent legal entity whose primary mission is to research activities and provide support to the chemical industry in areas which are defined in our research program.
UniCre – put a link to here

Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL