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Propylen FCC
General Characteristics 

Propylene is manufactured by pyrolysis of oil fractions. It is a colourless, non-toxic, extremely combustible, easily inflammable gas.

CAS: 115-07-01

Propylene is used as a monomer for the production of polymers (polypropylene and its copolymers), intermediate product for the production of chemical substances (oxoalcohols, acrylic acid) and as a technical gas for welding, cutting, etc.

The product is classified as hazardous pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 CLP.


Parameter​ Limit Values weighted units Met​hod
Propylene min. 99.5 % calculation
Propane max. 0.50 % gas chromatography
Methane, ethane, ethylene max. 1000 ppm gas chromatography
Ethylene max. 100 ppm gas chromatography
Propadiene, acetaldehyde, butenes, methylacetylene, 1.3-butadiene max. 10.0 ppm gas chromatography
H2 max. 2 ppm gas chromatography
O2 max. 1.5 ppm oxygen analyzer
CO max. 0.10 ppm gas chromatography
CO2 max. 5.2 ppm gas chromatography
Methanol max. 3.8 ppm gas chromatography
Isopropanol max. 21.0 ppm gas chromatography
Water max. 10 ppm gas chromatography
Sulphur max. 1.0 ppm UV fluorescence
H2S max. 1.0 ppm gas chromatography + MS detector
COS max. 0,12 ppm gas chromatography + MS detector
Arsin​​ max. 0.06 ppm gas chromatography + MS detector
N2 as NH3 max. 5 ppm gas chromatography
Butenes + butadiene max. ​5 ppm gas chromatography

Packaging, Storage, Transportation
Liquid propylene is stored in tightly closed tanks and is transported in railway tanks. Both the railway and storage tanks are made from low-temperature steel, cooled bellow propylene boiling point or pressurized.



Safet​y sheet​ 



Business Conditions




Business Contacts

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact:

Marta Rosul
+48 24 256 66 16

Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL