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Chempark Záluží
Chempark Záluží is the largest chemical production facility in the Czech Republic. A part of ORLEN Unipetrol a.s., the facility is currently the seat of several dozens of important chemical and service companies and is a daily workplace for approx. 6,500 employees from 180 companies.

Chempark Záluží is a very important asset of ORLEN Unipetrol a.s., and needs to be managed in a professional manner to support further growth and prosperity of all the parties involved.

Chempark Záluží provides electricity and heat supply to all entities operating in the facility and delivers comprehensive facility management services as well as related additional services. Although the land within the site is owned by ORLEN Unipetrol a.s., the management of this land is the responsibility of the section of Facility management of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.

The facility management and related services are provided mainly in the fenced area of the facility and the lands of ORLEN Unipetrol a.s. and ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o., which are situated nearby. In the future, it is planned to expand the marketable area to other surrounding lands, which should contribute to the further development of CHEMPARK Záluží.

The management of the facility along with related additional services is one of the key activities of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o., which is aimed to expand and improve services for all customers of CHEMPARK Záluží and to facilitate entry for new investors.

Chempark Záluží can now also make use of cooperation as part of regional development activities, take part in developing the region's social policy, support education, training and retraining programs and work with large employers in the region.​

Fenced area​​ 3,78 km2
Total area 8,23 km2
Railways 110 km 
Roads 39,5 km 
Number of buildings 1 150 
Electrical lines 1 800 km 
Telecommunication lines 1 200 km 
Water piping 330 km 
Sewage piping 150 km 
Pipeline bridges 30 km 
Pipeline on bridges 647 km 

Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL